New York Securities Fraud Attorneys

Stock Fraud Defense Lawyers in New York

New York Securities Fraud Attorneys

Stock fraud, also known as securities or investment fraud, is a term for criminally deceiving investors in the stock or commodities markets. Stock fraud seems to be in the public eye a lot lately, especially in the aftermath of the 2007 global financial crisis. Movies like The Big Short, The Wizard of Lies, Wall Street, and The Wolf of Wall Street both glorify and vilify securities fraud and those who commit it. Because there seems always to be another Wall Street film coming out, the press is always on the lookout for real-world stock fraud news to turn into profitable content. A stock fraud investigation, then, can be very damaging to any institution, and can ruin an individual’s career.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sets forth regulations governing investments. According to the SEC, stock fraud can include:

  • Embezzlement (outright theft from investors)
  • Misstatements on a company’s financial reports
  • Market manipulation
  • Mutual fund deception
  • Insider trading
  • Abusive short selling
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Sales of securities in dummy corporations
  • Pump-and-dump
  • Stock churning (excessive trading to generate commissions)
  • Internet fraud

There are many other types of stock fraud. In essence, a professional broker has a fiduciary duty to represent the best interests of his or her clients. Brokers cannot carry out trades purely for a commission. They cannot knowingly lead clients into unwise or fraudulent trades. Any violation of this basic principle could result in stock fraud charges. Because investors trade across state lines, stock fraud could result in state as well as federal charges.

The breadth of this principle coupled with the complexity of securities regulations and the current climate of popular and media scrutiny means that any negative result for a client could trigger an investigation. If you’re facing stock fraud or commodities fraud charges, your attorneys will need extensive knowledge of regulations and of market conditions to mount a strong defense.

Over 30 years of legal, business, and investment experience

For over 30 years, the attorneys at Aiello & Cannick have represented clients in securities fraud investigations. With extensive knowledge of state, federal, and New York City regulations, and with the resources and cost-sensitivity to help investors large and small, our efforts have earned us a reputation for discretion, thoroughness, creativity, and hard work, evidenced by our catalog of victories both in and out of the courtroom.

Contact us today to set up a free case review and consultation in our Maspeth, Queens office. In the meantime, continue to explore the legal resources on our blog and videos pages.

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